G248 was the Lot 1 in the unforgettable 2021 bull sale and the sire of the largest sire group of the offering. We were able to purchase G248 back a couple years after we sold
him and started using him heavily in our AI program and as a herd bull. His daughters continue to be some of our very favorite females in the replacement pen. Maternal
brothers sell as lots 45-49. G248 had an individual PAp score of 37 at 8200 feet in Walden Co. 34 progeny sell in the offering.
Registration # AAA 19799376
CED +9, BW +1.2, WW +82, YW +139, Milk +22, CW +55, Marb +.84, RE +.60, Fat +.043, $EN -28, $W +73, $G +59, $B +159, $C +263